Portfolio Design & Investment Advice
The primary emphasis of the investment strategy is on portfolio construction. The portfolio design is comprehensive, integrating all accounts and assets. It employs an allocation approach that supports and is defined by your goals and needs.
Portfolio Planning
Portfolio planning integrates a range of asset classes that are intended to manage the different types of risk that can affect the value of your assets, such as market risk, inflation risk, interest rate risk, and longevity risk.
Our firm's independence enables us to use what we consider to be industry-leading analytics and independent research that incorporates portfolio modeling, investment due diligence, and asset class research from financial and economic analysts.
Portfolios may also include an allocation to real assets that focus on natural resources, commodities, energy, and real estate, while also meeting the same fundamental criteria defined below for all investment standards.
The bond portion of a portfolio generally follows a similar strategy, with core holdings that are broadly based along with overweighting in specific types of bonds that provide additional yield, such as corporate or mortgage bonds, or tax efficiency, such as municipal bonds.
The implementation of a portfolio strategy utilizes investments that meet our fundamental standards, including: diversification, both within and across asset classes; low cost; tax efficiency; and liquidity.
Holdings generally include core positions that are broadly diversified, along with an overweighting in specific asset classes that provide additional growth potential such as mid- and small-cap companies, and those with additional earnings potential such as high dividend yield.